Autodiva – For many riders, The sound of the engine ticking and losing power is often a disturbing threat. However, with proper care, this problem can be prevented. The following are simple tips that can help Paradiva maintain optimal car engine performance.
1. Use fuel according to recommendations
Choosing the right fuel according to engine specifications is the first step that must be taken. Low-residue quality fuel helps combustion take place perfectly, so that engine performance is maintained.
2. Avoid filling up with petrol carelessly
Fill up with fuel only at official gas stations. BBM from unofficial sources the quality is often not guaranteed, which can cause dirt deposits in the tank.
3. Don't wait for petrol to run out
The habit of leaving the tank almost empty can be dangerous. Dirt or water deposits in the tank run the risk of being sucked into the filter, pump, or even a combustion chamber, which ultimately damages car components.
4. Change the petrol filter regularly
The petrol filter is the engine's first defense against dirt. Replace the filter every year or so 20.000 km, according to Auto2000 recommendations. Don't just clean the filter because residue can remain stuck and interfere with filter function.
5. Check the fuel pump regularly
The fuel pump is a vital component that needs to be checked regularly, especially if you experience symptoms such as engine stuttering or loss of power. If necessary, replace the pump so that engine performance remains optimal.
6. Periodically Drain the Tank
The gas tank needs to be drained to remove dirt and water that could potentially cause corrosion. For cars over two years old, This step is highly recommended. However, if the new car already shows deposits, immediately have it drained at an official repair shop.
7. Take advantage of regular servicing at authorized workshops
Regular servicing is the main key to maintaining engine condition. Auto2000 provides complete service including filter replacement, pump inspection, until tank draining. Besides that, You can take advantage of THS services – Practical Auto2000 Home Service via their official website.
Why Regular Maintenance is Important?
Yagimin, Chief Marketing Auto2000, emphasizes the importance of preventive measures to prevent serious damage to the machine. “If the machine is left without maintenance, the risk of breakdowns and impaired mobility will increase, which of course is detrimental to the driver,” he said.
Dirt deposits in the tank are one of the main causes of the engine ticking and losing power. Therefore, Using quality fuel and changing filters regularly are mandatory steps to maintain engine condition.
By applying the tips above, Paradiva doesn't just ensure the machine remains in top condition, but also avoid expensive repair costs. So, Don't ignore routine maintenance for maximum driving comfort!